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Demo Hills ARC

Alexis Duval IDAlexis Duval, AIAChair
Abe Alcott IDAbraham B. Alcott, AICPMember
Carla Finchley IDCarla FinchleyMember
Nina Hamilton IDNina HamiltonMember
Gabriel WheldenMember
Monroe Diaz IDMonroe DiazBoard Liaison

The Demo Hills Design Standards have been carefully crafted to reflect a balance between the protection of individual rights and the goal of maintaining the property values in the Association. These standards provide a framework within which each homeowner can express individual tastes and preferences.

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) has oversight responsibility for maintaining the Demo Hills Design Standards. The purpose of the ARC is to protect the integrity of the Demos Hills Community by reviewing and approving or disapproving all homeowner landscaping and proposals/plans for any type of exterior construction such as: erections, demolitions, installation or enlargement of any buildings, fences, walls, exterior lighting, signs, mailboxes (including supports), and/or other improvements or structures as noted in the Demo Hills Design Standards.

The ARC is composed of five resident volunteers who are responsible for the review and approval of the applications which have been submitted. Once the approved projects are complete, the ARC conducts follow-up inspections to ensure that the completed projects are in compliance with what was approved.

Homeowners must submit an application requesting approval to the ARC through the Demo Hills Community Association before commencing work on any new landscaping or other exterior alterations. Once the project is approved, the homeowner will be notified in writing. The ARC regularly meets at the DHCA Clubhouse on the second Thursday of every month. Applications are due by the second Tuesday of every month. Application should be mailed or dropped off at the DHCA Administrative Office (1750 Marina Place, Demo Hills, VA 55555). Any applications received later than the Tuesday before the meeting will be reviewed the following month.

If you have any questions regarding the Demo Hills Design Standards, you may leave a message for the ARC at 555-9998 or email them at arc@demohills.com